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Kiss Me
Kiss Me

Kiss Me

It's no secret that Taliw has a thing for Tenten, the school's newest genius and newcomer with an impressive IQ of 200. After a trip to Japan with his family, Tenten is back in the States. When it comes to Taliw, what will she do about her love for Tenten? It's hard to tell when he's being nice and when he's being mean to her in front of their friends. If Taliw's parents are friends, is it a blessing or a curse? Is it a stroke of good fortune that Taliw's house was destroyed, forcing her to live with Tenten for the first time? She solely has affections for Tenten but her friend King has fallen in love and is trying his hardest to win her over. Namkang, Taliw's love rival, is a girl who is taller, more beautiful, and smarter than she is. Namkang is also Taliw's love rival. When it comes to Tenten, Namkang appears to be the ideal match. It'll be interesting to see what Taliw does with this.
