Watch Salma's Big Wish on SolarMovie - Free & HD Quality

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Salma's Big Wish

Salma's Big Wish

Salma, an orphan who is now 16 years old and has never had the opportunity to meet her biological parents, resides in the Mexican town of Santa Clara. She has never heard anything but that she was deserted by her parents during her entire existence. Salma has devoted the majority of her life to looking for hints about the identity of her parents and the locations of their hiding places, but she has had very little success in this endeavor up until the point where she comes across a unique book that is full of tales about Santa Clara and the history of the people who lived there. With the help of this brand-new, one-of-a-kind book, Salma embarks on a journey with her two courageous and endearing foster brothers, Jorge and Pedro, in which they search for the missing links to their family's heritage in the hopes of one day reuniting with their biological parents.
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