Watch Stargate SG-1: Children of the Gods on SolarMovie - Free & HD Quality

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Stargate SG-1: Children of the Gods

Stargate SG-1: Children of the Gods

Remastered, re-cut, and re-imagined, this album is incredible! (Keep in mind that some consider this to be little more than censorship, with the best lines and only nuance removed, resulting in a shorter duration; compare the Uncut to the Final Cut and decide for yourself). The thrilling pilot episode of the longest-running science fiction series on television. A year after the original Stargate operation, an alien resembling Ra emerges from the Stargate, murdering five troops and taking another. A new team is formed, which includes some previous members, and they set out to recover the missing soldier and learn how Ra might still be alive. Meanwhile, the alien Gou'ald capture Sha're and Skaara and use them as Gou'ald hosts by implanting them with symbiotes.
